標題: 為宣揚臺灣高等教育優質學研特色及友善環境,吸引全球傑出青年來臺就學,財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會自即日起舉辦Share Your “Study in Taiwan” Adventure系列活動。     公告日期: 2022-07-18

一、財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會自即日起舉辦「Share Your “Study in Taiwan” Adventure for a Chance to Win an iPhone 13 Pro」Instagram圖文募集活動及“Study in Taiwan” Adventure Video Contest短片徵選活動。

二、「Share Your “Study in Taiwan” Adventure for a Chance to Win an iPhone 13 Pro」Instagram圖文募集活動內容:

(一)主題:What brings you to Taiwan? Share your experiences of living and learning in Taiwan





三、“Study in Taiwan” Adventure Video Contest活動內容:

(一)主題:Are you an international student in Taiwan? Make and share a short video about your experiences of living and learning here, and have a chance to win a MacBook Air!









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