標題: 【營繕組公告】Elevators will be shut down during the lunar new year 113年春節期間電梯暫停使用公告     公告日期: 2024-02-07


【The Announcement from the Division of Construction and Maintenance】Elevators will be shut down during the lunar new year.

主旨:春節連續休假期間,為避免發生突發狀況及安全考量,各大樓電梯(含貨梯)將暫停使用,請 協助轉知所屬人員查照辦理。

Subject:Due to safety concerns, elevators in every building will be shut down during the lunar new year.


一、為確保春節連續假期各大樓出入人員安全,並避免發生緊急受困事故,將於 113年2月7日(三) 17:30 起 至 2月15日(四)上午8:00期間暫不開放電梯使用,造成不便,敬請 見諒。

  1. To make sure the safety of those who enter the building and to avoid accidents happening,  the elevators will be shut down from pm 5:30 FEB 7th to am 8:00 FEB 15th. Apologized for any inconvenience caused.

二、  擬暫停運作電梯之場域包含:



  1. The elevators in the buildings will be shut down as following: Administration Building, Mechanical Engineering Hall, Red Building, Classroom Building 4, Classroom Building 3, First Assembly Building, Second Assembly Building, Third Assembly Building, Department of Engineering, Technology Research center, Management Building, Humanities Building, career building, I.T. Building, Interdisciplinary maker building. Please announce and post the attachments to every level of the elevators to avoid people from accidentally taking the elevators.

 三、  如有本案相關問題,請洽王先生 05-6315219。

  1. Please contact Mr. Wang for any issue regarding the announcement. Tele: 05-6315219

恭賀 新年快樂

Happy Lunar New Year

總務處營繕組  敬上

From Division of Construction and Maintenance, Office of General Affairs.                                       

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