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In responding to the spread of the COVID-19, the NFU library are taking the following measures


Borrowing books and overdue issues:

  1. 為維護讀者健康及減少人際接觸,請讀者儘量使用自助借書機借書及使用還書箱還書。

In order to maintain the health of readers and reduce interpersonal contact, readers are encouraged to use self-service book borrowing machines to borrow books and return books using the book drop.

  1. 為配合本校寒假開學日延後之防疫措施,本校教職員工借閱之圖書,其還書日為2/24~3/1期間者,均順延至3/2。

Due Date falling between Feb. 24th and Mar. 1st will systemically be extended to Mar. 2nd.

  1. 若因疫情延誤無法及時返校之師生,致使圖書無法歸還、逾期及罰款等問題,請聯繫圖書館資訊服務組(TEL:05-631-5045;E-mail:chy0901@nfu.edu.tw),本館將依個案協助處理。

For faculty and students who are unable to return to school due to the epidemic situation, please contact the library(email:chy0901@nfu.edu.tw) for returning books, overdue or overdue fines.


Precautionary Health Measure for Anti-Epidemic and Admission Notice:

  1. 圖書館已加強每日環境消毒清潔,並強化通風換氣設備,為保障讀者的健康安全,本館門口加設洗手檯,讀者入館前先行洗手戴口罩

The library has strengthened the daily environmental disinfection and cleaning, and strengthened the ventilation equipment. In order to protect the health and safety of readers, a hand-washing table is installed at the entrance of the library. Readers should wash their hands and wear masks before entering the library.

  1. 身體不適之讀者,建議暫勿入館

If you feel sick, please do not enter the library.

  1. 如欲入館者,請配合學校量測體溫,讀者如有發燒情形(額溫體溫高於37.5℃請勿入館,並建議儘速就醫。

Please cooperate with measuring body temperature before entering the library. In the case of forehead temperature≧37.5℃, the reader will not be allowed to enter the library.

  1. 因應防疫之需,自109/2/27(四)起,本館暫停換證入館

Since Feb. 27th, the library will not provide temporary library cards for entering the library.

  1. 為增加讀者使用距離以降低病毒傳染風險,圖書館已調整閱覽座位配置及加大座椅間距;並針對每日總進館人數進行控管。

In order to increase the distance for visitors to reduce the risk of virus infection , the library has adjusted the reading seat configuration and controlling the total number of daily visitors..


Related Links:

  1. 衛生福利部疾病管制署(Taiwan CDC):https://www.cdc.gov.tw/
  2. 虎尾科大新型冠狀病毒網頁資訊平台(NFU COVID-19 website):https://2019ncov.nfu.edu.tw/



We thank you for your cooperation.

Read 2421 times Last modified on 2020-02-27