標題: 【事務組公告】Construction Notice 112年11月11日(六)第二校區暨虎尾就業服務中心周邊樹木修剪作業通知     公告日期: 2023-11-07


To: Staff Members and Students

主  旨:為維護校園安全及環境清潔,擬進行樹木修剪作業,請勿於下列期間靠近施作區域周圍,並請校內行車注意停放位置及車輛安全。特此公告周知,造成不便之處,敬請諒察!

Subject: To maintain campus safety and cleanliness, tree pruning operations are planned. Please do not approach the work areas during the following period, and pay attention to parking positions and vehicle safety.


說  明 Instructions:

一、施工區域及時間 The area and the date of the construction:

日期:112年11月11日(六) 上午8:00起至下午18:00止

Time: Nov.11th, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

二、施作區域如下圖紅色區塊  (Construction Area: The red area in the picture).


三、聯絡人:王先生 05-6315230

Contact person: Mr. Wang, 05-6315230


Note:The tree-trimming work will be postponed if the operation is affected by weather conditions.


總務處 事務組  敬啟

 General Service Division, Office of General Affairs


閱讀 4951 次數
