標題: 【營繕組公告】Notice of the revision of the registration system for civil engineering and hydropower repair of the Division of Construction and Maintenance 營繕組土木水電修繕登記系統改版通知     公告日期: 2020-11-26





如有系統使用問題,請不吝與營繕組聯繫 (分機5216,手機直撥05-6315216)


【Announcement of Division of Construction and Maintenance】Notice of the revision of the registration system for civil engineering and hydropower repair of the Division of Construction and Maintenance

The registration system of civil engineering and hydropower repair of the Division of Construction and Maintenance is to be logged in from new interface starting today, and mobile phones are allowed to be used for the instant sign-up for repair.

The account password for the new system is the same the AD account used in school.

Please feel free to contact Division of Construction and Maintenance for any question regarding the operation of system. (ext. 5216; or 05-6315216)


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