標題: 【事務組公告 】Tree Trimming Work Notice 樹木修剪施工作業通知     公告日期: 2020-11-13



Purpose: To maintain a clean campus, we plan to trim trees in the first Teaching Area.

Please do not approach the working area during the period of time listed below, and pay attention to parking position and vehicle safety when driving on campus.

We hereby announce this notice and apologize for the inconvenience.

【說 明 Notes】

一、 施工區域及時間 Time & Area :

109 年11 月16 日(星期一),早上7:30~中午12:00

Time: Nov. 16 (Mon.), 7:30 am—12:00 pm

【修剪作業區域圖示 Area: marked in red color in the map below】



Note: The tree-trimming work will be postponed if it is badly affected by weather condition.

二、聯絡人:事務組 顏小姐(校內分機5229, 05-6315229)

Contact person: Miss Yen at 05-6315229

總務處事務組 敬啟 109/11/13

General Service Division, Office of General Affairs

閱讀 1151 次數
