標題: 【營繕組公告】Construction Notice 行政大樓屋頂防水工程施工公告     公告日期: 2023-05-22


To the offices and the management of the first campus

主  旨:因應本校「行政大樓屋頂防水整修工程」施工需要,請勿於施工區域周圍逗留,特此公告周知,造成不便之處,尚祈  見諒。

Subject: Please do not wander around the construction area of the administrative building due to roof construction.


說  明 Instructions:


112年5月15日至112年7月13日 AM8:00至PM5:00

1.The area and the date of the construction

Date:May 15th to July 13th 2023, 8am to 5pm

施作區域如下圖藍色區塊  (Construction Area: The blue area in the picture)


二、公告期間為預估施工時間,惟倘工作發生特殊困難,可能延緩,造成不便之處,尚祈 見諒。

2.The announced period is the estimated construction period. The construction may be delayed if there are difficulties in the work. We apologized for any inconvenience.

三、連絡人 Contact person :營繕組張先生 Mr. Chang 分機5950 (extension 5950 ) (手機直撥 TEL:05-6315950)


總務處 敬啟

Division of General Service



閱讀 3985 次數
