標題: 【營繕組公告】Notice of Elevators Shutting Down 112年5月31日電梯管制使用通知     公告日期: 2023-05-19


To the offices in the third campus


主  旨:配合本(112)年度校園「複合型防災演練」第三教學區各大樓電梯,訂於本年5月31日管制(暫停使用),特此通知。

Subject:Due to the disaster drill of the third campus, elevators in every building of the third campus will be shut down on May 31st.


說  明 Instruction:

一、管制時間及區域 The time and the area of elevators control:

時間:5月31日(三)   16:15~17:00


1. Time:May 31st Tuesday 16:15-17:00

Area:Humanities Building and Management Building


2. The decision is based on the meeting in May 17th.

三、如演練提前提前結束,將依指揮中心指示提早恢復運轉,倘發生特殊事宜,可能延長管制時間,不便之處,請 諒察。

3.If the drill is completed ahead of schedule, the elevators will be operated earlier. If there are difficulties in the work, it may be delayed.

四、連絡人 Contact person:

王先生 Mr. Wang, 電話 tel:05-6315219(extension 5219), mobile: 0932-598809


總務處營繕組 敬啟

From Division of Construction and Maintenance, Office of General Affairs.


閱讀 4065 次數
